فئات المنتجات
- جهاز تطهير القولون
- آلة تطهير القولون
- معدات تطهير القولون
- آلة تطهير القولون
- جهاز المعالجة المائية للقولون
- ملحق تطهير القولون
- أجهزة المعالجة المائية القولونية
- جهاز المعالجة المائية للقولون libbe
- آلة تطهير القولون للبيع
- جهاز المعالجة المائية للقولون للبيع
- آلة تطهير القولون المعالجة المائية
- أجهزة المعالجة المائية للقولون المفتوح
Colon Flush Machine and How It Works
الاستفسار الآن!
ميزات المنتج:
1. التحكم الآلي. يستطيع المريض أن يقوم بالعملية بنفسه. لا تحتاج إلى مرافقة الآخرين. يتم الحفاظ على خصوصية المريض بشكل صحيح.
2. تعمل من خلال لوحة اللمس ويوجد شاشتان للعرض. 1 للمريض لمشاهدة العملية و 1 للطبيب للعملية وطباعة النتيجة.
3. قسطرة القولون يمكن التخلص منها. ضمان مرة واحدة الاستخدام. افتح واحدة جديدة ودمرها بعد الاستخدام وجهاً لوجه.
4. سرير العلاج المائي تم بحثه وتصميمه علميًا، ويحتوي على منفذ إفراز. مع هذا السرير، يستطيع المريض أن يتخلص من أمعائه بحرية. السرير مريح ومريح ولا يوجد ألم ولا يتسرب ولا رائحة.
5. عملية الجهد المنخفض. يحتوي على طبقتين من الماء ويتم التحكم في درجة الحرارة والضغط تلقائيًا بواسطة الكمبيوتر. هذا يمكن أن يحافظ على التشغيل الآمن.
6. يوجد جهاز تغذية الدواء وهو مناسب لإعطاء الدواء للقولون بعد تنظيف القولون.
1. Concept of Colon hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy is also called colon cleanse or intestinal lavage, which can thoroughly clean colon, eliminate toxins in the body, improve constipation, correct diarrhea, adjust intestinal flora imbalance, and prevent bowel cancer. And it also has the effects of beauty, skin care, weight loss, and regulation of endocrine disorders.
Colon hydrotherapy is popular used in American and European hospital, clinic and beauty club. It is becoming a popular beauty and detoxification method and is treated the hottest Physical and natural therapy for colon and body healthy.
2. The effect and function of colon hydrotherapy
Europe popular SPA center use Colonic Machines for body detox
2.1 Treatment on constipation
Constipation is the most important suitable adaptation disease by colon hydrotherapy. Medical experts believe that constipation is the root of all diseases. Studies have shown that the incidence of colorectal cancer is positively correlated with constipation. Senile plaques and obesity are also associated with constipation. Besides the long-term effects of excrement on other organs in the large intestine, constipation itself also affects the physiological function of the large intestine.
Through a certain course of colon hydrotherapy, it can entirely soften and thoroughly remove hard bound stool in large intestine. And it also can soften and remove induration layer on the surface of the intestinal mucosa. Then it will recover intestinal mucosa secretion and promote the colonic peristalsis. Finally it will restore normal bowel function and achieve thorough treatment.
2.2 Cancer control and prevention
Food residues in the large intestine are fermented and corrupt to produce some carcinogens. The meat people eat is not that easy to digest, so meat will stay long time in digestive tract. If contact time between the large intestine and carcinogenic substance last too long, the chances of large intestine canceration will increase. Colon hydrotherapy will remove impurities from the large intestine, so keep colon clean can prevent cancer.
2.3 Body detox and skin beauty
Metabolites and some harmful substances in the blood excreted will be excreted through skin and subcutaneous capillaries and glands. During the excretion, skin surface will get damaged. This will cause skin problems such as acne and stains. Colon hydrotherapy will increase the chances that harmful substances will be excreted from the intestines. Finally it is more healthy for skin after colon hydrotherapy.
2.4 Keeping healthy
Some of hazardous substance in blood will be detoxified through liver, which will consume liver detoxification enzyme system. This will affect on brain, then people will feel tired. Meanwhile this also have effects on immune system and the body’s metabolism.
3. Application range
Europe popular SPA center use Colonic Machines for body detox
3.1 Hospital & clinic for medical use
A: Gastroenterology department:
Clean colon, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, Constipation, diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, bowel dysfunction, acute pancreatitis.
B: General surgery department:
Intestinal cleansing before abdominal surgery, Control of cross infection after abdominal surgery, Conservative treatment in the late stage of bowel cancer, Hemorrhoids, colitis.
C: Traditional Chinese medicine department:
D: Nephrology department:
3.2 SPA center & Wellness center
As the concept of colon hydrotherapy is quite popular in American and Europe, so there are many beauty clubs which provide colon hydrotherapy service.
The concept of cleanse colon, remove toxin, keep healthy, keep fitting by colon hydrothearpy are well accepted by people in Europe and America.
3.3.3 Home use
This Colonic Machines can be used for personal at home easily.
And in history there are many famous people like colon hydrotherapy very much.
*Diana, the princess of England, she regularly clears her intestines.
*Clinton, the former President of the United States, has a special “bowel room” in his home and employs three people to wash his intestines regularly.
*Mariah Carey, one of Hollywood’s most popular stars, had previously been fattening and has been able to lose weight through a spa treatment.
*Soong mei-ling, begin from a young age, every night before going to bed to intestinal spa defecation, decades, never stopped, and is now many people relish the healthy longevity.
Nowadays people will buy colon hydrotherapy and use in their house, whom has constipation and colon disease.
A Brief History of Colon Flush Machine
The colon flush machine, also known as colon hydrotherapy, colonic irrigation or colon cleansing, has been around for centuries. The ancient Egyptians used enemas for therapeutic purposes, and the Greeks and Romans also practiced colonic irrigation as part of their health regimen. In the 20th century, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, the inventor of cornflakes, developed a machine that delivered water into the colon to cleanse it. Today, colon flush machines are widely used in spas, wellness centers, and even at home, as a way to promote digestive health and overall wellbeing.
How Does a Colon Flush Machine Work?
A colon flush machine is a device that uses purified water to cleanse the colon and remove waste. The process involves inserting a small tube or speculum into the rectum, and then slowly and gently filling the colon with water. The water is then released along with any accumulated waste material, leaving the colon clean and refreshed. The machine itself is equipped with several safety measures, such as temperature and pressure controls, to ensure the process is safe and comfortable.
The Benefits of Colon Flush Machine
1. Promotes digestive health: Colon flush machine helps to remove toxins, debris and waste from the colon, which can lead to better nutrient absorption and improved digestion.
2. Reduces bloating and gas: Accumulation of gas in the colon can cause discomfort and bloating. Colon flush machine can help to remove gas and provide relief from these symptoms.
3. Boosts energy levels: A clean and healthy colon can improve energy levels and reduce lethargy.
4. Aids in weight loss: Colon flush machine can help to remove excess waste and toxins, which can lead to weight loss and a slimmer waistline.
5. Improves skin health: Colon flush machine helps to remove toxins from the body, which can lead to clearer and healthier skin.
The Steps Involved in Colon Flush Machine
1. The client is positioned comfortably on the machine, lying on their back or side.
2. The therapist inserts a disposable speculum into the rectum.
3. Purified water is slowly introduced into the colon.
4. The therapist monitors the temperature and pressure, making adjustments as needed.
5. The client may experience mild discomfort or pressure, which is normal.
6. The therapist massages the abdomen to help release any trapped gas or waste.
7. The water is released along with any accumulated waste material.
8. The process is repeated several times to thoroughly cleanse the colon.
9. The client is given time to rest and recover before leaving.
Who Needs Colon Flush Machine?
Colon flush machine can be beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their digestive health, eliminate waste material and toxins from the body, and promote overall wellbeing. However, it is important to consult a medical professional before trying the procedure, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
Applications of Colon Flush Machine
Colon flush machine is widely used in spas, wellness centers, and even at home as a way to promote digestive health and overall wellbeing. It can also be used in the following industries:
1. Healthcare: Colon flush machine can be used in hospitals and clinics as part of the treatment for digestive disorders.
2. Beauty and wellness: Colon flush machine is often used in spas and wellness centers as part of detox programs and weight loss plans.
3. Fitness: Colon flush machine can be used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to improve energy levels, reduce bloating and water retention, and promote recovery after exercise.
4. Alternative medicine: Colon flush machine is often used in alternative medicine practices, such as naturopathy and Ayurveda, as a way to promote digestive health and detoxification.
If you want to experience the benefits of colon flush machine, contact us for more information about our services and prices.
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